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Visit of the Agriculture Office of Batu Bara Regency for the Preparation of a Food Security Map
July 1, 2024 | Other Activities
Today, we welcomed a visit from the Agriculture Office of Batu Bara Regency to prepare a food security map for the Batu Bara region. This visit aims to strengthen data and information related to food security and ensure the right strategies are in place to face future food challenges.
The visit was warmly received by Mr. Lamhot Gibson Halashon Pane, SST, M.SE. @makinpanas, representing the Production Statistics Team. This collaboration is expected to produce an accurate and comprehensive food security map, which can serve as a foundation for planning and policymaking to support the welfare of the community.
Let's support this effort together for the creation of sustainable food security in Batu Bara Regency!
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Batu Bara Jl. Lintas Sumatera Lk. 5 Lima Puluh Kota 21255